
Crystal/Energy Healing

What crystal healing is!

Crystals have been used for thousands of years with ancient people using them for magic and spiritual powers. They are believed to have different vibrational energies that can be healing and can affect our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well being positively. Each crystal have their own healing properties and are good for a specific chakra point.

Using the energy from the crystals, they are placed on each 7 chakra point to heal and stabilise the energy of the chakra.

When your session starts I will scan your body with my hands to find out which of your chakras is out of balance and may have energy blocked.

I will then decide which crystal will be good for that specific chakra then place it on there. Once i have placed the crystals on your body i will then, with the guidance of the Angels and great sprit, use healing energy to move and manipulate any energies that no longer serve you or your body.

This will last for 30 minutes.

What are chakras?

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit meaning “wheel” or “disk.” The seven chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy that run along the spine. Each chakra is associated with a different colour, element and emotion. The chakras are also connected to different glands and organs in the body

The Root Chakra (Muladhara, red)

Located at the base of our spine, it represents our foundation and gives us the feeling of being grounded.

When the root chakra is open we feel secure, grounded, confident, independent, strong and energetic. When the root chakra is blocked we feel unstable, ungrounded, lack of ambition, insecure, fearful and frustrated.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhhishthana, orange)

Located in the lower abdomen just below our naval. It is the centre of our emotions, feelings and stimulates pleasure. It plays an active role in our sexuality and expression of our sexual needs and desires.

When the sacral chakra is open we have emotional awareness, we are creative, we feel connected within ourselves, we have a passion for life and a healthy sex drive. When the sacral chakra is blocked we are then ruled by depression, detachment, aggressiveness, overly sensitive, fear, anxiety and poor boundaries.

The Solar Plexus (Manipura, yellow)

Located In the abdomen just above our naval, it is the centre of our power, self-confidence and self-esteem.

When the Solar Plexus is open we have a deeper understanding of our purpose in life, we have skilful self-expression and increased self-confidence.

When the Solar Plexus is blocked we feel insecure, aggressive, low self-esteem, negative thought patterns, we have fear of rejection and are dominating of others.

Heart Chakra (anahata, green)

Located at the centre of your chest it’s the centre of compassion, unconditional love, beauty, empathy and forgiveness.

When the heart chakra is open we have a sense of trust, fearlessness, peace, generosity, gratitude and connectedness, healthy boundaries, emotional control and love for oneself

When the heart chakra is blocked we feel loneliness, depression, anxiety, jealousy, find it difficult to trust, have a fear of intimacy.

Throat Chakra (vishuddha, blue)

Located in our throat it is the centre of our communication, the power to speak our inner truth, self-expression and individuality.

When the throat chakra is open we are able to communicate clearly and purely, listen with empathy and understand ourselves and others deeply and effectively.

When the throat chakra is blocked we speak or act dishonestly, act insensitive, feel insecure, have social anxiety, feel shy or skittish.

Third Eye/Brow Chakra (ajna, indigo)

Located between the eyebrows at the centre of your head, it is the centre of our freedom of thought, wisdom, inner knowledge, imagination, visualisation and creativity.

When the third eye chakra is open we are imaginative, intuitive, we have clear thoughts, mental strength and good vision.

When the third eye chakra is blocked we have lack of intuition, imagination and concentration, manipulative, narrow-minded and indecisive.

Crown Chakra (sahasraha, violet)

Located at the top of the head it is the centre of our connection with the supreme self and our spiritual enlightenment.

When the Crown chakra is open we feel spiritual, blessed, unity, wisdom, open minded, peaceful, connected to the universe and strong nervous system

When the Crown chakra is closed we feel fear, lack of faith, mental disorders, we are materialistic, spiritually disconnected and having trouble connecting to our higher selves.


Breathwork is a new age umbrella term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing helps to influence a persons mental, emotional and physical state, with a claimed therapeutic effect.

The goal of breathwork therapy is to support people in achieving a greater sense of self-awareness and capacity for self healing. In a breathwork session I will guide you through various therapeutic breathing techniques tailored to suit you.

Energy healing is also included in a session, however, there is an option to not have this if you so wish.

Breathwork is good for:



*anger issues

*trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder

*grief and loss

*emotional effects of physical illness

Sound Healing

Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Ideally, a hypnotic, meditative or theta brainwave state is created which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.

Using Singing Bowls, different type of hand drums and gongs i will get you to lie down with a blindfold (optional) and guide you through a meditation to help you relax, when you are in a relaxed state i will then start playing the instruments. The sessions will be from 40mins to an hour.


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